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Mangum's Dragon Tails

- mustard yellow


    • List Price$7.95
    • Discount43%
    • Savings$3.45

Mangum's Dragon Tails are sweeping the fly tying world......a phenomenon really.

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Mangum's Dragon Tails are sweeping the fly tying world......a phenomenon really. A game changing materials for bass, saltwater and especially for peacock bass.

From one of the premier tarpon guides on the Gulf Coast, Mangum's Dragon Tail flytying tails are made from an amazing new material that moves and undulates as it swims....a "game changer" you might say. Poly-based synthetic fabric with exceptionally diverse applications. Great lifelike movement in the water. Perfect for streamers, or shorten, apply adhesive, and use for a variety of body, wing, and tail applications.

Comes in packs of 5 hanks which are 9" in length. Colors are white, tan, purple, olive, mustard yellow, gray, fl. yellow, fl. orange, hot pink, fl. green, black.

* UV Treated!

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