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Wooly Bugger - White



We had always done well around here with a white bugger with grizzly hackle but they were commercially hard to find. Well....we finally found them and now have them to offer on a regular basis. Trout, smallmouth, largemouth, panfish....they love 'em.

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Standard Wooly Bugger here in the White color with Grizzly Hackle. Of course, the white wooly bugger fly needs no introduction. Probably the most used, most sold and quite possibly the most successful fly of all-time.

We had always done well around here with a white bugger with grizzly hackle but they were commercially hard to find. Well....we finally found them and now have them to offer on a regular basis. Trout, smallmouth, largemouth, panfish....they love 'em.

White Wooly Bugger Trout Fly with Grizzly Hackle- sizes 6 and 10 sold here.

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