Since 1994 in Columbus, Ohio
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Our Guides

Ohio anglers with experience and passion for catching the many species of fish Ohio has to offer.

Learn more about the unique talents and background of each of our Ohio fishing guides by scrolling down.

Our Guide Services---Fly Fishing Travel

To inquire about a Guided Fly Fishing Trip - 888-451-0363 or contact us.

Brian Flechsig

Brian Flechsig fly fishing guide in Ohio

Mad River Trout, Largemouth Bass, Muskie, Trip Host, Lead Instructor

Along with serving as lead instructor and a guide for Mad River Outfitters, he is also the founder and President of the company! Brian started his guiding career right here on the Mad River in Ohio in 1989. He also spent most of the nineties chasing steelhead up along Lake Erie and in Michigan. Most famously, he spent 9 years guiding folks in hot pursuit of trophy largemouth at the Wilds and was featured as such on an episode of the Walker's Cay Chronicles with Flip Pallot.

Although not a full-time guide, he does occaisionally still find a few days a season to float the Mad River in his AuSable River boat when requested. Brian is also planning a return to the largemouth bass business and the musky business in the 2018 season along with his usual teaching of classes and schools for the shop on a regular basis.

For the 2022 season, Brian is slated to host the Slide Inn trip to Montana with good friend Kelly Galloup. He is also working on several special trips with his friend, mentor and business partner Flip Pallot. See our Travel page for more details on these trips and don't hesitate to call Brian directly at the shop for details on any trip or guide trip.

Josh Trammell

Josh was born and raised in Northeast Ohio and caught the fishing bug early in life as he watched a neighbor fly fishing their backyard pond. At the age of 10 he started exploring all things fishing that Ohio had to offer. From there he has gone on to chase steelhead and warmwater species across the southern shores of Lake Erie and beyond, always looking for that next opportunity.

Josh has also spent his last six summers guiding in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska for Naknek River Camp, where he also enjoys pursuing fish on two handed rods in his downtime. While not on the water, Josh can often be found hovered over a vice somewhere whipping up all sorts of fishy flies. Josh enjoys sharing his passion with others and hopes they can catch the bug as bad as he’s got it!

Guides For: Steelhead, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Hybrid Striped Bass, Carp

Follow Josh: @jtrammell_72

Dustin White

Born and raised in Northeast Ohio, Dustin had a rod in his hand soon after he started walking. He spent much of his childhood and adolescence fishing for muskie, pike, and bass on his family’s lake property. Any and all family trips were spent on the water chasing numerous species of fish in both freshwater and saltwater.

 However, Dustin’s favorite form of angling has and will always be targeting Trout and Steelhead on the fly. Dustin spends his summers in Wyoming proudly guiding for The Ugly Bug Fly Shop. Dustin is a graduate of Sweetwater Travel Guide School, and he is a proud pro-staff member of a number of the industry’s top manufacturers. He is also the cofounder and director of “Nimi on the Fly,” a nonprofit charity that seeks to promote character building, enrichment, and conservation with youth the sport of fly fishing.

Guides For: Carp, Steelhead, Smallmouth,  Brown Trout

Follow Dustin: @DustinJamesWhite

Patrick Kelly

Pat Kelly has been fishing in Ohio since he was a young boy. Honing his skills in recent years, he has become one heck of a fishing guide. We’re thrilled to offer his services to our clients.

To say that he is a multi-talented guide is quite an understatement. His loyal following books with him season after season and if you get a chance to fish with him, you will too. Pat guides drift boat trips on the Mad River for Trout, jet boat and drift boat trips for smallmouth bass, pike and his specialty musky trips in Southern Ohio.

Guides For: Smallmouth Bass, Musky, Pike

Follow Pat: @PatKellyFishing

Ryan Ratliff

When Ryan’s not bringing in steelhead trout or brown trout on the fly rod, he’s honing his skills in the traditional Japanese method of fly fishing called Tenkara.

He serves as an instructor for our fly tying classes and being a help with everything fly tying around the shop. When you’re out on the water with Ryan, you can expect a trip of great technique and years of knowledge.

Guides For: Steelhead Trout, Brown Trout, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass

Follow Ryan: @o_h__fly_o

Katie Johnstone

While on a trip in Alaska, Katie got a taste of fly fishing for the first time. From then on, she was hooked. With a heart for the outdoors and staying active, you can often find Katie spreading her love for the sport of fly fishing with her friends, fishing from her SmithFly and chasing smallies when in Ohio.

Co-Founder of Ohio Women on the Fly, she has a passion for bringing women in Ohio's fly fishing community together and inspiring more women to get on the water.

Guides For: Smallmouth Bass, Rainbow Trout

Follow Katie: @_KatieJohnstone

Steve Pileski

Steve grew up right here in Columbus, OH and has been fishing for bass and trout in nearby ponds and rivers since 2001. From then on, his excitement and passion for fly fishing has only continued to grow.

Steve loves to target big Mad River Brown Trout with streamers on his Smithfly Big Shoals raft, but isn’t afraid to throw a dry fly when a hatch goes off. When not fishing for brown trout, he enjoys chasing around Smallmouth, Pike and Steelhead.

Guides For: Brown Trout, Steelhead and Smallmouth Bass

Follow Steve: @stevepileski

Donnie Knight

Donnie grew up in Miami County and has fished the rivers and creeks throughout the Great Miami River watershed since 1988. He’s a full-time wildlife biologist that guides fly fishing on the side.

He owns a Hyde Rocky Mountain Skiff for the big waters and a Smithfly Big Shoals raft for smaller tributary fishing and low water situations. He loves to target Smallmouth bass and Brown trout with frequent by catches of Saugeye, Pike, Carp, Rock Bass, channel catfish and Largemouth not uncommon.

Guides For: Brown Trout, Smallmouth Bass

Follow Donnie: @OhioFlyByKnight

Michael Bennett- In Memory

Michael Bennett- Dr. Steelhead

"Dr. Steelhead"

Michael was one of the original "Steelhead Pro Staff" members.....launched in our Fall 1998 newsletter. Very close friends with Jerry Darkes and Brian Flechsig- their steelhead addictions in the 90's were of legendary proportions. Being a psychologist, many knew him as "Dr. Steelhead" and he was simply one of the finest fishing guides you would ever fish with!

Not only was he a guide for Mad River Outfitters...he was a friend, a mentor...and..."Head Mental Health Specialist".

Michael unfortunately passed away on May 9th of 2003. He retains a permanent spot on Mad River Outfitters guide staff! He is sorely missed to this day and is always on guide trips in spirit!