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Fleye Design


Bob Popovics and Jay Nichols share techniques, insights and patterns in this fabulous book. 260 pages- hardcover.

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The Popovics Fleye Design approach is true art- a living, organaic process, not merely a mechanical one. Bob doesn't tie so much as create. He's an ad-lib tier, and his products, like jazz music, are never there, but always in the process of becoming something else. His tying is fluid, endlessly adapting, as he seeks to match the materials to his vision. For this reason, he would make a terrible commercial tyer. He could never clone fifty dozen exact duplicates. The individuality of each fly obsesses him. Just as cane rod makers appreciate the individual nature of each culm of bamboo, Bob recognizes that natural fibers and feathers are not all the same; they must be handled as individuals.

Fly Tying may be a largely mechanical process, but the art behind the process is what Fleye Design is all about. If anyone considers my analysis of Bob Popovic's approach too philisophical to be applied to something as seemingly mundane as making fishing lures, he may be right, but only if he treats this sports as a whim, a frivolous entertainment. However, those who undertake it with passion, who appreciate its subtleties, and who want to master this skill, would hardly agree. I don't profess to fully understand this creativity, any more than I can understand the talent of a great composer or painter, but I have observed it for decades, and I admire and appreciate it. Hopefully you will too, after reading Bob's explanations and instructions and studying Jay Nichol's magnificent photos.

From the introduction by Ed Jaworowski

* Important fly design insights from one of the sport's most innovative and influential fly tiers
* Detailed tying steps for over 14 new patterns for salt and fresh water, including the Hollow Fleye, BULKhead, Beast and Flex Fleye
* In-depth tutorials on fundamental techniques essential for many saltwater fly patterns, large freshwater patterns for toothy critters, and working with the new ligh-cured acrylics
* Fly patterns and tying tips from the next generation of leading fly designers: Jonny King, David Nelson, Dave Skok, Steve Farrar, and Blane Chocklett

Fleye Design- techniques, insights, patterns- by Bob Popvics and Jay Nichols

260 pages- Hardcover

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