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Essential Flies for the Great Lakes Region


The Great Lakes sport fisheries- both in the lake and the streams that flow into them, are extremely popular and key recreational outlets for anglers around the country who want premier fly fishing for trout, steelhead, salmon, bass and other species on the fly-fishing frontier such as drum and carp. 12/16/20- AUTOGRAPHED COPIES IN STOCK

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Essential Flies for the Great Lakes Region by Jerry Darkes covers patterns and their histories for Trout, Steelhead, Salmon, Smallmouth, Muskie and more. Includes Minnesota, Michigan, Wisonsin, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Ontario, Canada. Historical and cutting-edge flies for the Great Lakes region.

The Great Lakes sport fisheries- both in the lake and the streams that flow into them, are extremely popular and key recreational outlets for anglers around the country who want premier fly fishing for trout, steelhead, salmon, bass and other species on the fly-fishing frontier such as drum and carp.

In his successful book, Fly Fishing the Inland Oceans, Jerry Darkes only scratched the surface of the innovative fly patterns coming out of the Great Lakes region. Now, working with professional photographer Jimmy Chang, Darkes goes beyond that to compile in this book the first ever collection of GL pattern by contemporary tiers of the region.

More than 600 patterns and recipes cover the historically important patterns from well-known tiers such as Schweibert and George Griffith, and Swisher and Richards, as well as flies that are on the cutting edge from tiers such as Kevin Feenstra, Walt Grau, John Kluesing, Rick Kustich, Jeff Liskay, Dave Pinczkowski, Ray Schmidt, Greg Senyo and Matt Supinski.

"Essential Flies for the Great Lakes Region" by Jerry Darkes- Hardcover- 254 pages



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