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Regal Fly Tying Vise - Tube Head


The new Regal Tube Head fits both Medallion and Revolution vises.

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The new Regal Tube Head fits both Medallion and Revolution Vises. 

This is the best Tube Fly option we have seen in years if not ever.  The versatility of the head working with both vise styles from Regal and the design of the mandrels make this a dream to use.  Changing mandrels is a breeze with the large "drill chuck" style collar.  If you tie on straight pin style shanks also this head holds them very secure.  The small magnet on top of the head holds a hook in a stinger loop out of the way.  

The head comes with 3 different sized tube fly mandrels.

The Infinity Material Clip is the option for this head 

Works great with straight pin style shanks for steelhead, trout, and salmon flies.

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