The TFO NXT Black Label 9' 6wt 4pc Fly Rod Kit- comes with rod, reel, line (with loop), backing, leader, rod/reel combo tube and features Temple Fork Outfitters Unconditional Lifetime "No Fault Warranty".
Medium Fast Action | Saltwater | Freshwater
The Temple Fork Outfitters NXT Black Label series is designed to make fly fishing simple and affordable. And because TFO’s NXT series kits are the gold standard for fly fishing schools and educational programs across the United States, they consider it the most important product Temple Fork Outfitters makes. Whether as a great gift for the aspiring fly angler or a superb back-up for the fisherman who has everything, the NXT Black Label quite simply offers the highest performance to price ratio of any fly fishing outfit available and it’s covered by TFO’s famous no-fault lifetime warranty.
These high-performance fly fishing kits flatten the learning curve by making it easier and more rewarding to become an active participant in this sport of a lifetime. The foundation of the NXT Black Label is the TFO Pro II medium-fast blank which offers plenty of forgiveness for delicate presentations and cushioning light leaders but loads easily for longer casts into the wind. The rods are a handsome, matte black with half wells (5-weight) and full wells (8-weight) grips made from reconstituted cork for extreme durability. Aluminum oxide stripping guides, chromium-impregnated stainless-steel snake guides and an anodized aluminum up- locking reel seat make the NXT Black Label series great for chasing fish in fresh or saltwater.
NXT Black Label series of kits include a matching cast aluminum NXT BLK II size reel with and a stainless-steel alternating disc drag system. The reel comes loaded with 20-pound Dacron backing, a premium weight forward floating line with welded front loop and looped leader. The 80-foot fly line is up-lined one line size to insure the angler quickly feels the rod load and can quickly deliver a fly. NXT Black Label kits come packaged in a cordura rod and reel travel case ready for fishing. Purchase a replacement TFO NXT Black Label Fly Reel online.
TFO NXT Black Label Fly Rod, Spooled Reel & Case:
Model | Length | Line Weight | Weight (oz.) |
TF 06 90 4 NXT BLK K | 9' | 6wt | 4.0 |
TFO NXT Black Label Fly Rod Kit- Model Number: TF-06-90-4-NXT-BLK-K.
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Having a complete outfit is essential to your success out on the water. We've made it simple, so when you purchase the basics for your fly fishing outfit, we'll put it all together for you so you're ready to go.
Here's how it works:
• Purchase a Rod, Reel and Fly Line
• On the first page of the checkout process, click on the green Setup Reels/Outfits button (top and bottom of page).
• There you will find a tool where you can pair the three together and choose your backing color. No need to worry about the amount or size of backing as we'll take care of that for you. We know what to do.
• That's it!
From there, we'll load the appropriate amount and color of backing and the line on the reel for you (no need to buy backing). The backing, rigging and shipping is all on us. Free of charge.
Additional Information
• Fly Line Backing comes in 20lb and 30lb test. It also comes in white, fl. orange, blue, black, optic green, fl. yellow and red. Again, no need to make any decisions here other than what color you want.
• Reel retrieve is selected at the point of purchase on each reel. We will load the line onto the reel and make sure that the retrieve is set up as you selected.
• Feel free to call us or e-mail us with any questions as we will also do the same if we have any for you.
We're passionate about putting together the Fly Rod and Reel Outfit that's perfect for your time out on the water.
Let's get started:
• Select your fly rod
• Select your fly reel
• Select your fly line
• Open the Setup Reels/Outfits tool on the first page of checkout and pair the three items together. Simply choose your backing color.....and we'll do the rest!
Give us a call or email if you have any questions or rigging requests
It's really that simple. We aim to take all the hard work out of your fly fishing experience.