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Ewing Wooly Bugger Pack



These Ewing Wooly Bugger packs are on of the best values in fly tying hackle that we have seen in a very long time! Ewing uses very nice quality saddle hackles that include feathers that vary in length from 4"-10" making them perfect for Buggers in a variety of sizes as well as bigger streamers. Available here in several dyed over white colors.

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These Ewing Wooly Bugger packs are on of the best values in fly tying hackle that we have seen in a very long time! Ewing uses very nice quality saddle hackles that very in length from 4"-10" making them perfect for their intended use, Wooly Buggers, in a variety of sizes.

These feathers are also excellent for those that are tying Hollow Flatwing style baitfish patterns. Some of these feathers also do a great job tying smaller Pike/Musky flies. 

Available here in several dyed over white colors. 

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