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Whit's Near Nuff Crayfish

- olive size 8


Dave Whitlock's Near-Nuff Crawfish is hands-down one of the best crayfish flies ever created. Truly a great fishing fly! The traditional size 4 seemed a bit big for carp at here you go.....

In Stock
Dave Whitlock's Near-Nuff Crawfish is hands-down one of the best crayfish flies ever created. Truly a great fishing fly! The traditional size 4 seemed a bit big for carp at here you go.....
This little gem in a size 8 is the perfect offering for carp! Availalbe here in the olive but also available in brown and orange. This is absolutely a top pick for carp on the fly.
Dave Whitlock's Near Nuff Crayfish pattern size 8 in olive

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